📣 Publish with Us 📝

We’re happy to invite passionate contributors who have a genuine love for digital technology to post on our blog. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner, tech enthusiast, startup aficionado, or simply someone who enjoys exploring the digital landscape, we welcome you! Hurry and become part of our mission to share valuable insights and educative content with our readers.


To ensure the quality and authenticity of the content we publish, we have set some conditions that contributors must meet. We have designed these conditions to maintain the high standards of our blog and provide valuable and reliable information to our audience. Please review the following requirements:

  1. Original and well-researched content: We value originality and accuracy in our content. All submissions must be unique and not previously published elsewhere. Additionally, we aim to publish well-researched information, backed by credible sources whenever possible. We strictly enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism.
  2. Clarity and Coherence: We strive to present content clearly and coherently. The clarity of our posts helps to present ideas to readers in a way they can easily understand.
  3. Engaging and informative writing style: Techbydenish.com strives to engage global audiences with exciting, informative, and enjoyable content. Therefore, we only accept contributions from writers with good writing skills.
  4. Accuracy and Fact-checking: We prioritize accurate and up-to-date information. Contributors should ensure that their content is factually correct and properly verified. Any statistical data, quotes, or references used should be from reliable sources and appropriately cited.
  5. Non-promotional: The primary purpose of our blog is to provide valuable information, not to promote products, services, or individuals. While we understand that contributors may have affiliations or expertise in certain products or companies, the content should not read as an advertisement or sales pitch.
  6. Respectful and inclusive: We expect contributors to maintain a respectful and inclusive tone throughout their content. We do not accept posts with discriminatory or offensive language for publication on our blog.
  7. Compliance with legal and ethical standards: Contributors must ensure that their content complies with all applicable laws and regulations. It should also adhere to ethical standards and avoid any content that may infringe upon intellectual property rights, invade privacy, or promote illegal use of technology.
  8. Accepted topics: Our blog covers a wide range of topics related to digital technology. We welcome articles that discuss tech news, stories, reviews, or events. Posts that cover profiles of individuals or companies with great or emerging influence on the world of digital technology are accepted. Contributions should align with these topics to ensure relevance to our readers.

If you meet these conditions and believe that your posts align with our blog’s focus, we encourage you to submit your article for consideration to hello@techbydenish.com.

Please include a brief introduction about yourself and a link to your personal profile. We will review your submission and get back to you regarding its suitability for publication on our blog.

Let’s collaborate to inspire, inform, and engage one another in the exciting world of digital technology.

Best regards,

Denish Aloo & Mary Aloo


#TechByDenish #Contributors #JoinTheTechRevolution

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