Fool, You’re Not Irreplaceable

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Let’s go to the workplace,

We meet this group of employees, who believe they’re irreplaceable,
So untouchable, that whether they’re wrong or right,
You, can do nothing,

After all,
You’re just a toothless colleague,
How you dear question those who MATTER?

Wait a moment,

Let me introduce the “irreplaceable” employee.

This one feels closest to the boss,
He gossips with the boss, and reports colleagues to the boss,
He despises his colleagues, and determines who goes or who stays,
He knows little, does little, but talks the most nonsense,
He brags about keeping the boss’ secrets, but actually clueless about real secrets,

These are the busybody type, never creative nor productive,

just feeding from other people’s sweet,

just feeding from other people’s sweet,

They largely work backward by,

producing negative energy, causing pain, demotivating others, causing pain,

And pulling the company toward failure, yet,

they feel important, irreplaceable.

They largely work backward by, producing negative energy,

And pulling the company toward failure, yet,

They feel important, irreplaceable.


Your thinking is all a stupid illusion,

No matter how close you put yourself to the boss,
You’re still an employee, a servant, a worker,

or better, your boss’ money-making tool,
and 100% disposable.

You’re not smart enough, to know your replacement is sure.
Your boss can’t be your friend,

He already knows who to replace you with, but keeps it secret,

And a time is here,

When you will walk out of the gate, never to be welcomed,
just like the other tools you caused to exit.

Relax. Be humble.

Give others the space to work, earn, and go home.

Denish Aloo

I'm a tech enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for digital technology and an interest in entrepreneurship. I see endless business opportunities in the modern digital revolution.

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