How to start using ChatGPT?

What is OpenAI’s ChatGPT and how can you use it?

AI is the fastest-growing innovation in the world today. Originally, it was known for powering automated machines like robots. Today, GPT and other AI-powered apps like Google Gemini have their way in content generation. For now, let’s look at how to start using ChatGPT.

How to start using ChatGPT

Having shown you what ChatGPT is, you probably realize this chatbot is one incredible tool you don’t want to miss. But how can you start using ChatGPT.

Well, the process is simple.

1. Access ChatGPT

Up until the time of writing this article, OpenAI’s ChatGPT had no smartphone application available for download and installation on a user’s device.

At its initial phase of entry into the market, GPT remains a web-based tool. It can only be utilized from the developer’s website.

Therefore, to use ChatGPT, begin by visiting OpenAI’s website. Once on the website, click “Try ChatGPT” and head to the login page. You need to sign up in case you’ve not done so.

2. Initiate the conversation

The registration or sign-in process allows you to access the ChatGPT interface. Below is a screenshot of what the interface looks like.

ChatGPT interface

You’re now set to experience OpenAI’s ChatGPT! All you need to do is to start typing your question or topic in the text input area. Type any prompt and let ChatGPT generate a response to your query.

If you’re new to chatbot technology, you can even ask ChatGPT to guide you. All you need to do is to ask your question in a clear, specific manner. Otherwise, GPT being an AI technology, will not return an accurate response.

3. Interact with ChatGPT

After inputting your question or topic, ChatGPT will rely on the context of your input and the GPT’s training to generate the response it considers to be the most relevant.

As I stated earlier, ChatGPT is modeled to interact with users in the same way a human person would. It keeps track of the conversation to generate answers that are consistent with the flow of the conversation.

4. Guide the conversation

ChatGPT by OpenAI allows you to take control of and guide the conversation. Once you start the chat, you can follow up with additional instructions, comments, and reactions to prompt the chatbot to elaborate, explain, revise, or do anything you desire to improve the response or continue the conversation.

For every single conversation you initiate, ChatGPT keeps track of the chat. It can reference points from its previous responses or your comments, questions, and instructions in a new response. This allows you to communicate with GPT as though you were conversing with a real person.

Know the BAD side

You can see that ChatGPT is an amazing tool. However, like any other AI tool, it has its limitations.

For example, this chatbot can occasionally generate inaccurate responses. Remember the quality of ChatGPT-generated content depends on the integrity of the online source of the content.

Therefore, evaluate GPT answers for accuracy. Use the application responsibly and it become your #1 chatbot.

Denish Aloo

I'm a tech enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for digital technology and an interest in entrepreneurship. I see endless business opportunities in the modern digital revolution.

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