Young African tech innovators shaping the tech industry

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Young African Tech Innovators Shaping The Tech Industry

Africa is an emerging hub of innovation. The content’s tech land landscape is rapidly evolving with a vibrant innovation scene. At the core of Africa’s tech transition are energetic innovators bringing fresh perspectives to the forefront and disrupting traditional industries. From Accra Ghana to Cape Town South Africa to Nairobi Kenya, young minds are revolutionizing the African tech ecosystem. In today’s post, we’ll explore some of the most prominent young African tech innovators shaping the technology industry with extraordinary creativity and ingenuity.

#1. Kabiru Seidu

Nationality: Ghana

Company: Co-founder and Chief-innovation officer, NubianVR

College: Ashesi University in Ghana

One name that stands out in the dynamic realm of Young African tech innovators is Kabiru Seidu. Many techies know Seidu as the visionary mind behind the virtual reality (VR) learning platform, NubianVR.

With a passion in VR, Seidu brainstormed how modern digital technology could simplify businesses’ and individuals’ access to cutting-edge training. His ambitious vision gives birth to NubianVR. The VR technology-oriented company allows people and organizations to access immersive digital experiences.

In 2018, Kabiru Seidu’s venture won a $100,000 grant from UNICEF Innovation Fund. His company used the fund to finance its production of VR content for educational purposes.

#2. Saron Yitbarek

Nationality: Ethiopian, (Migrated to the U.S.)

Company: CodeNewbie, Disco

College: The University of Maryland, the U.S.

Saron Yitbarek is second on our list of Young African tech innovators. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a  double degree in Psychology and English.

The Ethiopian-born self-taught engineer is the founder of CodeNewbie, a community learning platform for people who want to learn to code. She launched CodeNewbie in 2014.

But that’s not all Saron has contributed to the tech world. She is the innovator behind Disco, another learning platform offering audio courses for individuals in tech.

Additionally, Saron is the creator of the podcast, CodeNewbie –a podcast focusing on enabling people to learn coding in a supportive environment.

Through CodeNewbie, Saron Yitbarek has helped thousands of Africans to learn how to code with ease.

#3. Roy Allela 

Nationality: Kenyan

Company: Sign-IO

College: The University of Nairobi, Bachelor’s degree in Microprocessor Technology and Instrumentation (Opera News)

Third in our discussion on young African tech innovators shaping the technology industry is the Kenyan engineer and inventor, Roy Allela. The accomplished techie is popular for his significant contribution to the field of assistive technology.

Inspired by his 6-year-old deaf niece, Allela created Sign-IO, a smart glove for individuals with hearing impairment. Allela recognized the social challenges individuals with hearing problems encounter in their everyday lives.

“The general public in Kenya doesn’t understand sign language, so when she goes out, she always needs a translator. [Now, picture] over the long term that dependency, how much that plagues or impairs her progress in life…”

Allela Noted, BoredPandar

This motivated him to create a technology that enables the deaf to communicate with people who do not understand sign language. That’s what his innovation does.

Sign-IO converts sign language into audio speech allowing you to converse with people who have a hearing impairment without having to learn the sign language!

Assistive wearable technology opens new opportunities for inclusion and interactions by narrowing the gap between the hearing world and the deaf community. The innovation won the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) award.

Denish Aloo

I'm a tech enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for digital technology and an interest in entrepreneurship. I see endless business opportunities in the modern digital revolution.

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